
Detox the Mind
Picture your life free from stress, anxiety, fear, and depression. Imagine waking up each day filled with peace and joy. Through meditation on inner Light and Sound, millions have learned the secret to replacing stress with relaxation and happiness. You too can experience inner vistas of unimaginable beauty shimmering with brilliant colors and enchanting Music. Radiant light embraces you with warm, blissful love. Yet, when distracted by life’s challenges, many remain unaware of inner happiness and peace. Through mental detoxification you can remove blockages that keep you from the happiness you deserve. By detoxing your mind, enjoy wondrous vistas of light, peace, and love within.
Each of us can take steps to make this dream a reality. Sant Rajinder Singh illumines in this inspiring book, Detox the Mind, a step-by-step plan with engaging exercises for living a joyous, tranquil life.
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Inner and Outer Peace through Meditation
Imagine you are carrying a private retreat around inside you. A sanctuary you can visit whenever modern life gets too much. Imagine contentment and freedom from fear–whenever you wish it. You are imagining the peace of body, mind, and soul that meditation can bring you. Steven Halpern writes: Rajinder Singh’s new book is food for the soul. It is an inspiring and informative source that speaks to both beginners and experienced travellers on the path of life. I was uplifted as I read this book, and re-dedicate myself to honoring my inner work.–Steven Halpern, recording artist and educator.
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Spark of the Divine
Hidden within each is a spark of the Divine. We search for it in the far reaches of the most distant quasars and within the smallest quarks in the atom. Yet, its mysteries lay waiting to be uncovered within us. Spark of the Divine, by world-renowned spiritual Master of meditation on the inner light and sound, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, describes the journey taken by those who have discovered these secrets. It is not a knowledge reserved for the few; it is available to all. The way is simple. We can bask in the eternal sunshine. Through meditation, we can experience spiritual realms of consciousness. He has taken this journey and provides us with an easy blueprint. A must-read book for anyone who wants a simple practice to experience for one’s self through meditation the wonders within us.
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Empowering Your Soul
Empowering Your Soul through Meditation awakens readers to the empowered soul and its rich qualities, such as unlimited wisdom, fearlessness, immortality, unconditional love, connectedness, and bliss. These simple techniques of meditation for accessing the riches within can help readers discover his or her great potential. Once these inner resources are tapped, readers can experience a profound transformation that will enrich all areas of life–including personal relations, physical, mental and emotional well-being, work, spiritual growth, and the attainment of one’s life’s goals. Chapters include: Meditation: Doorway to the Soul; Journey to Realms of Light Within Us: Finding Time for Our Self; Unconditional Love; Bliss; Immortality; and Fearlessness.
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Meditation as Medication for the Soul
Meditation has been valued in the East for centuries as beneficial to physical, mental, and spiritual health. Now, Western medicine, through research-based studies performed in medical schools, universities, hospitals, and research labs, also is recognizing the efficacy of meditation for improving wellness.
This groundbreaking book offers proven benefits of meditation for reducing stress-related ailments, such as cancer, stroke, heart, breathing, digestive, and circulatory problems, hypertension, migraines, depression, anxiety, and addictions; improving brain function and performance; managing pain; and achieving balance. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj, in his keynote article, provides clear and compelling support for the value of meditation for the health of the spirit, upon which the health of the body and mind are based. Noted medical doctors, cancer researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, chiropractors, brain researchers, neuroscientists, and those involved in alternative medicine have contributed articles rich in evidence supporting meditation as a complementary treatment modality.
Meditation as Medication for the Soul by Sant Rajinder Singh is a must-read book for anyone seeking optimum health.
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