Love Will Carry Us

June 12, 2021

In his webcast today, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji reminded us of how we can learn to navigate life’s challenges. Ups and downs are a part of life. The colors of life are constantly changing; what is here today is gone tomorrow, and we need to understand and embrace this fact. We should not fear the challenges and sorrows that come our way because everything in life is fleeting. Nothing lasts in this physical world. Even the pandemic that has gripped the world over this past year will come to an end, said the spiritual Master. In the face of turmoil and commotion in life, we need to learn to find peace and calm so we can remain focused on life’s true purpose.

We have been given this life so that our soul—a part of God—can find its way back to the Source from where it originated. When, at some point in our lives, we question the meaning of life and experience a yearning to find God, it is God pulling us, igniting within us a love for God. Living in this physical world, we have forgotten our true nature and have forgotten how to experience God. Like the musk deer that spends its life chasing the sweet fragrance of musk, when all the while the fragrance comes from within itself, we too helplessly search for God in the world around us, when God is within us.

To experience God, we need to learn to still our body and mind so that our soul can journey within. This happens, he said, as we meditate. In meditation, we take our attention away from the illusionary world outside and focus it on the inner worlds. We collect our sensory currents at the third eye and focus within to connect with the beauty and bliss of the inner worlds. When we do so, we experience God’s love, and this love engulfs us. It uplifts us and sustains us through all the ups and downs of this fleeting outer world. When we remain focused on this love, it carries us through all the challenges in life.