If we could return to our true state and realize we are soul, we would find lasting peace and ecstasy.

Science of Spirituality a spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives through meditation


Inspiring quotes, videos and articles by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Building Bridges through Meditation
Great philosophers have said, “Know thyself.” Sant Rajinder Singh Ji writes that this mandate should be the first thing we pursue as we come into this world. Click the image to read this article.
How Anger Pollutes
The Lesson of the Sparrows
Spiritual Quote

From Recent Spiritual Talks

Anchor in God

Anchor in God

Change is a constant in life. With the passage of time, nothing in this material world remains unchanged. In his discourse today at the Science of Spirituality International Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj focused on this reality and our quest to find permanence. He said when we seek lasting love and happiness in this ever-changing panorama of life, we are always disappointed.

Nothing we experience through our physical senses is bound to last forever. Our search for permanence eventually leads us to our faiths, all of which tell us that only God is permanent.

God was in the beginning, God is today, and God will be forevermore. If we want to find happiness, peace, and stability in our lives, we need to anchor ourselves to God. To do this, we need to experience the Divine, and this experience comes as we invert our attention from the fleeting outer world and focus it on the spiritual worlds within through meditation.

Expounding on an inspiring verse by Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, the spiritual Master described the permanence of God’s love. When we tune into this eternal love, we become oblivious to the changes and uncertainties of the world around us. Imbued with this love, we reach a state of lasting bliss and joy and radiate it to others around us.

Set Your Sights on God

Set Your Sights on God

Speaking at the large Delta Hotels Toronto Airport Conference Centre, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj called on the international audience to understand the reality of this human existence. He explained that while spending our lives trying to understand and excel in the material world we live in, we allow the ebbs and flows of life to get the better of us. Caught up in this material play, we miss a golden opportunity for our soul to find its way back to God, our soul’s true Home. The spiritual Master said that to make the most of this opportunity, we must first embrace our true identity as soul, as a part of God. This realization dawns on us when we embark on the inner spiritual journey. For this, we must withdraw our attention from the illusionary outer world and focus it on the inner spiritual worlds through the process of meditation.

As we embark on the journey within, we connect with God’s love and Light and awaken to our true essence. Once we have a direct experience of God’s love, we realize God’s constant presence in our lives. This experience dispels all sorrow and pain, just as the Light dispels darkness. Worry and fear evaporate from our lives, and we learn to face the ups and downs of life with calm, peace, and equipoise, knowing that God is always holding our hand.

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Serving God’s Creation

Serving God’s Creation

Many only want to serve God directly. We do not realize that it is also God’s work to serve God’s creation. Each day, life presents us with opportunities to help others.

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Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Spiritual Spring Cleaning

When we focus on examining our thoughts, we need to evaluate what aspects of ourselves we want to cleanse. We need to understand what is cluttering our minds and hearts and keeping us from opening up to God’s love.

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A Healthy Attitude to Failure

A Healthy Attitude to Failure

As we sit for meditation and prayer we should not be discouraged. We should do our part to meditate accurately, and leave the rest to God. Then one day we will find that all our efforts have borne fruit.

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Featured Videos

We Each Have a Role to Play

Here, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj expresses his appreciation for the health care professionals risking their lives during the Pandemic and explains how we can help.

Enhancing Our Spiritual Capital

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj tells us the purpose of our being here is to connect with ourselves and discover who we truly are. This we do when we sit in silence, when we meditate.

Finding God in Challenging Times

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj offers suggestions for staying positive in times of isolation. He says we should pay attention to our physical health and stay active mentally.