How the Saints Help Us: A Spiritual Masters’ Day Discourse

Today the 64th Global Meditation in Place event coincided with Spiritual Masters’ Day. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj explained how this is a day to honor, remember, and give thanks to all spiritual Masters who have come into this world to show us the way back Home. Saints have come in all faiths, in all times, in all cultures, and in different parts of the world with one purpose: to help people of the times find their connection with God.
At some point in our lives, when we become disillusioned with the challenges and disappointments of life, we search for something more. We embark on a quest to find answers to life’s great mysteries, and this is the beginning of our spiritual quest. Saints and spiritual Masters come to quench the spiritual hunger within us, by helping us know ourselves and know God. Living at the level of our physical senses, we are unable to experience God, who is spirit. However, by reminding us of our true nature and teaching us the technique of meditation, the saints help us experience ourselves at the level of the spirit so that we can, in turn, experience God. We experience God’s protection and guidance and witness the stabilizing hand of God that helps us pass through all the ups and downs of this existence; we realize our connection with God and we grow in love for God and all Creation.