Journey into Inner Space through Meditation

The month of July saw the launch of not one but two passenger spaceflights taking ordinary inhabitants of Earth to the threshold of space, marking the beginning of a new age of space tourism and exploration. In his Sunday spiritual discourse, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj spoke of yet another type of exploration. This one serves to broaden our horizons and leads to a profound transformation: the journey to inner space—the vast worlds that exist beyond our physical consciousness.
Unlike the journey into outer space, the journey into inner space does not require any material investment—no launching pad, no spaceship, no focus on monitoring and mapping from takeoff to landing. It also does not require us to attain a certain level of physical fitness. The spiritual Master explained that inner space lies within, and as human beings, we each have all that is needed to explore it.
We embark on the journey into inner space through a process called meditation. Our launching pad is the spiritual or third eye, the gateway into the inner spiritual regions. What travels into the inner worlds is not our body but our true essence, which is spirit. We travel into inner space by withdrawing our attention from the outer world and focusing it on the inner worlds. As we journey within, we connect with God’s love and Light. Imbued in this divine love, we awaken to the reality of our existence, and we are transformed. We become more loving, more caring, more peaceful, and embrace the oneness of all life. Step by step, this inner journey culminates in the union of our soul with God. It all begins with meditation.