A Sweet Homecoming Two Years in the Making

This afternoon, Kirpal Bagh in Delhi was bustling with life again for the first time since the global lockdown. Tens of thousands assembled to celebrate the arrival of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. This moment of reunion was more than two years in the making.
Addressing the enthusiastic crowd, the spiritual Master expressed his joy in returning to Delhi. Soothing the hearts of all who had experienced loss, pain, and suffering during the pandemic, he said that it is behind us now, and we should look ahead with positivity and hope. Regardless of how long or short our lives may be, our job is to make the most of the time we have been given. For this, he emphasized, we need to meditate. Meditation allows us to experience a life full of love, Light, and joy. We should lead ethical lives and weed out the vices that keep us from progressing Godward. Leading such a life will help us focus better during our meditations.
As we meditate, we learn to defocus from the outer world and focus on the beauty of the inner world. We can then better weather the storms of life, whatever they may be. This human existence is God’s gift to us, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji said. The Creator knows our past, present, and future and always gives us what is best for us. We have but to strengthen our faith in God.