Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Inaugurates the Science of Spirituality Center in Quito, Ecuador

This evening, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj inaugurated the Science of Spirituality Center in Quito. The center, lovingly coined “la Casa” (home) by the local community, occupies about 1600 square feet, with plans for remodeling and expansion to accommodate the growing numbers that use the facility.
Emblazoned on the façade of its white exterior are powerful words by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji: La Paz Comienza con Tigo (“Peace Begins with You”). Inside, the center offers a hall for spiritual gatherings and retreats, a spacious kitchen for meal preparation, and a dining hall.
The spiritual Master shared his joy to be at the center. He said that to have a place where we can meditate, attend spiritual discourses, and serve the community is a tremendous gift. Our activities throughout the day can distract us from our spiritual goal. When we come to the center, we can leave all our difficulties outside. Let us focus on growing spiritually and becoming more peaceful and loving, he said.
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji emphasized that it is not the building, but rather the love that we bring to it, that makes this place a “home.” When we come together in harmony and sit in silence, we will make this home a spiritual temple where we can experience God. Everyone was encouraged to make the most of the sacred space.
Later in the evening, the spiritual Master met with many visitors from all parts of the world at the Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar. With this session, his 2019 visit to Quito came to a close. He now continues on to Bogota, Colombia.