Finding Lasting Bliss through Detachment

This evening, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj spoke on how we experience various stages, phases, and ups and downs as we go through life. Growing weary from the constant fluctuations and disappointments in our quest for lasting happiness, we arrive at a point where we question whether we are living life as we should be.
The spiritual Master said that one day, this physical existence will come to an end, and we will wake up to the reality of our existence. We are soul, a part of God encased within the human body with a specific purpose: to know ourselves and become one with God. The path to eternal happiness lies in knowing that this world is our temporary habitat and that we should make good use of the time given to us to fulfill life’s purpose.
We all want to lead a blissful life, he said, but we mistakenly seek that bliss in fleeting outer enjoyments. The different colors and fragrances of the outer world attract us, trapping our attention and directing it away from God. Only when we detach ourselves from the outer experiences of life, fulfilling all our responsibilities but not being attached to the results, can we lay claim to true and everlasting bliss.
Each of us has a right to know our Creator, and for this, we are provided a doorway within the physical body to venture into the inner worlds. It is up to us to make use of this gift by withdrawing our attention, which is going out into the physical world, and focusing it within through meditation. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji advised us to live a life of positive mysticism, fulfilling all our worldly duties to the best of our abilities while devoting time to our spiritual growth. As we meditate daily, live a life of ethical virtues, and help and share with others, we can reach the goal of God-realization in this very lifetime.