The Alchemy of God’s Love: Pune, Maharashtra

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj arrived in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, for a 3-day spiritual program. On June 4th at the Gangadham Chowk grounds, he addressed the tens of thousands who had traveled from all corners of India and beyond to be in his presence.
Each of us can know God and fulfill the purpose of this life, he said. We can do so by focusing our attention within and connecting with the inner Light and Sound of God through meditation. As our connection with this stream of love and light deepens, the layers of mind, matter, and illusion covering our soul begin to lift, and we become increasingly aware of our real existence as soul.
The fuel on this journey back to God is love—love for God and love for God’s creation, the spiritual Master said. This love removes all duality that our mind creates and ushers in unity, paving the way to our soul’s union with God. Passion and zeal to know God, an intense love for God, and faith in God are the keys to progress on the way Godward.