Spiritually Rise in 2025

Today at the International Science of Spirituality Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj focused on the slogan for the coming year: Spiritually Rise in 2025! To rise spiritually, he explained, is to transcend physical body consciousness, moving beyond the limitations of our physical senses to experience more than what meets the eye. It is to experience that which is of the spirit, ethereal and more conscious than this physical world.
Rising spiritually is an experience available to every soul born in the human form. Each of us can rise spiritually. It is simply a matter of where we focus our attention and efforts. The divine Power of God lies latent within us, and we can access it through meditation. As we withdraw our sensory currents from the outer world and gather them at the third eye, a world of joy, beauty, love, peace, and tranquility opens up for us. The more we experience this inner world, the more it draws us in and the more we long to partake of it.
Gradually, as we rise spiritually, a profound transformation occurs within us: we begin to embody the divine attributes of the Creator, becoming calmer, more peaceful, happier, more caring and resilient, unperturbed by the turmoil of the outer world. The journey within is a journey of love, said the spiritual Master. It’s a journey driven by an intense desire and longing to know God. The nearer we get to our goal, the stronger the yearning becomes and the more earnest and determined our efforts. Much like a runner in a 100-meter race accelerates as they approach the finish line, our yearning, too, is intensified when our goal is in sight.