Take Time to Find Time

We live in an age with much to do and not enough time to do it. Every day, we are caught in a net of information, bombarded through various technologies, platforms, and outlets. Much of our time is spent gathering information about the world or on health-related topics. Yet, we often spend time collecting this information without using it to better our lives. Is this healthy for us? Is this how we should be using our time? We are given 24 hours each day. After discharging our worldly obligations and giving rest to our body, we have about six hours left to put to good use. Where we focus our attention during this time is important.
The key to making the most of our time is to first and foremost understand our priorities. We may all have worldly goals, but in this human existence, our foremost goal, said the spiritual Master, is to experience God and find our oneness with the Creator. Once we recognize this goal and realize that the way to achieve it is through meditation, it is up to us to prioritize meditation in our daily activities. If we do not prioritize meditation and instead allow ourselves to get carried away with worldly deadlines and distractions, we can fall behind on our most important goal.
Kingdoms, kings, and leaders have come and gone, said Sant Rajinder Singh Ji. Everything in this world is temporary. We are here for a short time and have one clear purpose in life. Once we realize this purpose, we need to do all we can to take steps toward it. The more we focus, the more successful we will be and the sooner we can achieve our spiritual goals. As we meditate, we will find that we also become more efficient and focused in our worldly activities.