Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj Arrives in Delhi

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji arrived in Delhi, India, early this morning. He went immediately from the airport to the grounds of Kirpal Bagh, where huge crowds had gathered to hear his first talk of the year in India. He spoke of the upcoming 125th birth anniversary celebrations for Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj (1894 – 1974). He said Sant Kirpal Singh Ji’s timeless message, “Be Good, Do Good, Be One,” reminds us that an ethical life of love, compassion, truthfulness, humility, and selfless service is the stepping stone to spirituality.
He encouraged everyone to make meditation an integral part of their day, as it is only through meditation that we can experience and ground ourselves in God’s love. This helps us to weather the ups and downs of life and lead lives of peace and calm. The spiritual Master then encouraged everyone to participate in the upcoming conference to celebrate the life and teachings of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji. He placed the gathering in meditation. Later, he walked through the aisles, greeting one and all.