Life Is Wondrous When We Choose God

In today’s program at the SOS International Meditation Center in Lisle, Illinois (USA), Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj sounded the clarion call to focus our attention on what truly matters in the short time we have in this life. At every stage of our lives, we set goals for ourselves and spend time working toward these goals. We may seek to establish ourselves in the world, become physically fit and healthy, amass wealth and possessions, forge strong relationships, and/or excel in other areas. However, any goals of the physical world will be left behind when we ultimately leave this earth.
The spiritual Master said we need to realize that everything in this world is fleeting and temporary, and nothing in the material environment will help our soul achieve its purpose. Instead, we need to focus on life’s true goal, which is to be one with God. Once we have established our spiritual goal, then we should march toward our destination steadfastly and not be deterred or waylaid by distractions and impediments along the way. We should remain firm and rooted in our convictions in the face of temptation. What is needed is an unshakeable faith, trusting that God gives us what we need when we need it.
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji said the spiritual path calls on us to embrace a life of positive mysticism—to live in this world, meet our obligations, and excel in life while prioritizing our spiritual goal of oneness with God. Life becomes wondrous, he said, when our desire is one-pointed and focused on the Creator.