Tap into the Endless Reservoir of God’s Love: Houston

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj gave his second discourse at the JW Marriot Galleria in Houston today, focusing on the love that we experience when we go within through meditation. As we are imbued with God’s love, love radiates from us to all around us. Love, he said, is the only commodity that increases when we give it away.
When we love another, our reservoir of love expands as we tap into the unending source of God’s love. This treasure of love is hidden deep within ourselves, and we can tap into it as we take our attention away from the world outside and focus it within.
The spiritual Master was warmly welcomed to the city of Houston by Mayor Sylvester Turner, commending his noble efforts to spread peace and harmony in the world, and for truly championing the spirit of Houston, which finds its strength in its diverse population. The Mayor concluded with the hope that Sant Rajinder Singh Ji’s “message of love and unity resonates in the hearts and minds of all humanity.”