Learn to Meditate Series
Learn how to find lasting joy and fulfillment through a simple and effective meditation technique.
These interactive FREE workshops will help you deal with the stress and challenges of daily life.
Add meditation to your daily schedule, and see for yourself the difference it makes in your life.

Online Workshop Schedule
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Why this Workshop
Learn to Meditate Series
Science of Spirituality presents the Learn to Meditate workshop series.
What can meditation do for you?
It takes you to a place where you can retreat from the problems of the world and find peace and serenity. It helps you deal with the stress and anxiety of life.
Whether you are an experienced meditator or just a beginner, these classes will strengthen your technique. Join us and take your practice to a new level. Half the class time is spent in meditation.

One hour program
Interactive workshop
Free handouts
Q and A
Meditation Session

About Us
Science of Spirituality
Science of Spirituality is a worldwide, spiritual organization dedicated to transforming lives, under the guidance of renowned spiritual Master Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj.
Science of Spirituality presents spirituality as a science that can be practiced by people of all backgrounds and faiths.

A short excerpt from a talk by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj on finding lasting peace, happiness,and bliss through meditation.
“Through meditation, we overcome life’s strains and discover the key to relaxation and tranquility.”
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj
Our Blog
Interesting Reads
10 Ways to Stay in the Light this Holiday Season
The Holiday Season is upon us! If you’re like most people, you’re feeling a host of emotions about this fact. These emotions may range from joy and excitement about the thought of celebrating with family and friends, and… stress and apprehension about the thought of celebrating with family and friends! Yes, we’ve all been there. So, this year, we thought we’d share our list of ten spiritually-inspired ways to stay calm and grounded, and “in the light” as you take in all that is wondrous about this special time of year.
God’s Game of Love
What is God’s game of love? It is the game wherein we experience God’s love for ourselves, and radiate that love to all around us. This love is not only between God and each created being. It is also having love for the entire family of God.
What Gardens Teach Us About Spirituality
Just as we cannot see the seeds in the ground that later sprout into buds and flowers, we may not see the fruits of our meditation right away. But with diligent practice the blossoms will appear.
What people are saying
“Practicing meditation saves my life. I am a Silver Star, Purple Heart Vietnam veteran suffering post traumatic stress disorder. The calming word I use in meditation I also use to help me sleep peaceful, overcome anger and transcend daily stressors. What a gift.”
“Meditation has had a tremendous benefit in the quality of my life. I work in a very stressful occupation that requires an ability to be mentally nimble and responsively creative. There is no doubt the meditation has been the key to my productivity and ultimately my enjoyment of life despite the daily challenges that present themselves.”
“SOS meditation has been my go-to coping mechanism. And even though I’m not particularly adept or anything, it has really helped me through some difficult and painful times.”