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Global Meditation in Place

Join Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj for a streamed Global Meditation in Place event. The programs are attended by thousands of people from around the world as they come together to meditate for spiritual growth and inner peace.

The next session will be held on coming Sunday.

Translations of the English portion of his talk will be available in Spanish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, and Portuguese.

English –10:00 am CST (11:00 am EST)
Meditation Session – 10:30 am CST (11:30 am EST)

Sant Rajinder Singh meditation
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj is the spiritual head of the Science of Spirituality and Sawan Kirpal Ruhani Mission. A world-renowned spiritual Master, he has dedicated his life to teaching meditation to help people discover their inner treasures. Trained as a scientist, he presents spirituality as a science that can be practiced by people of all backgrounds.

Author of several best-selling books and a keynote speaker at various conferences and academic institutions, including the United Nations. Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj travels tirelessly around the world to share his message of love, unity, and peace.

SOS Meditation

Meditation is the means by which we experience the love, peace, and stillness that is within us. It unlocks the gates to the reservoir of untapped love that we carry with us.

SOS Meditation is the process by which we take our attention away from the world outside and focus it within ourselves.

SOS Meditation is taught as a science that anyone can practice, no matter their age, faith, or beliefs.

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji

Find Inner Strength

Enhancing Our Spiritual Capacity During Difficult Times

These videos, articles, and featured quotations by Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj offer inspiration and reassurance during these difficult days.

Meditation Quote Sant Rajinder Singh