Experience States of Eternal Bliss Within: Lisle, Illinois

This evening, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj spoke of the many ways in which our lives are transformed as we tread the spiritual path. As the sun of spirituality dawns on our life, the darkness of this outer world is dispelled and we enter the light of the inner worlds. Embarking on this journey, we experience God’s love and realize ourselves as souls.
It is when we experience God within us and when we realize that God is within all, that we awaken to the reality of this existence, moving from a life of duality to embracing a life of oneness.
We are very fortunate, he said, to have this human birth, and it is up to us to make the most of this golden opportunity. The spiritual Master concluded with a wish that we all fulfill the supreme purpose for which we have come into this world so that we can experience states of bliss and joy that are eternal.