Remembering the Poet-Saint Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj

On the 31st anniversary of the passing of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj presided over an online remembrance program attended by tens of thousands around the world. To begin the program, Mata Rita Ji sang a hymn from the scriptures that spoke of the soul’s yearning to meet God.
The spiritual Master said that while Sant Darshan Singh Ji may not be with us physically, he has not left us. He is with us today, just as he was over three decades ago, guiding us toward our spiritual goal. He brought light where there was once darkness, and taught countless souls how to experience and love God. He taught us the most important aspect of life: to love God and to love God’s creation. He wanted us to develop the qualities of selfless service and kindness so that we may bring heaven down on earth.
Sant Rajinder Singh Ji also described the importance of this human birth, of understanding our purpose in this life, and of fulfilling that purpose. As the soul connects with God’s love in meditation, it recognizes the oneness of all creation. Gradually, the ego is extinguished and all pain dissipates, he said. The soul experiences joy and bliss while moving steadily toward its union with God.
At the conclusion of the program, Sant Rajinder Singh Ji placed the online audience in meditation.