Why Do We Need to
Empower Our Soul?

Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj

Within us, the soul’s true nature is divine love, lasting peace, wisdom, fearlessness, consciousness, never-ending bliss, and eternal life. Instead of tapping into this spiritual wealth, we have empowered our mind to conceal these hidden gifts.

Sant Rajinder Singh science spiritualityWe are unaware of these treasures because the soul has been overpowered by its coverings of the mind, senses, and physical body. The soul has become lost in the world of mind, matter, and illusion. The soul identifies with the body and mind and has forgotten its nature.

Thus, the mind and body have taken their own power over the soul. To realize our true nature, we need to empower the soul so that it can enrich our lives. Empowering the soul means that we withdraw the power that the mind and senses have on us so that our soul can instead control and guide our life.

When we empower the soul, we find ourselves filled with a love far greater than any we can know on earth, consciousness of our own self and of God, and eternal bliss and happiness.

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